Last night i mentally gave permission to be abducted. Just putting it out there to see what happened. Something changed from last night to today. What looks like a needle mark where needle marks would go on my right arm.
Was this a psychosomatic response, a very convenient spider bite, a MILAB or alien abduction? I'm not sure, I sure don't remember anything. Haven't been to the doctors in years but I definitely know what a needle mark looks like.
Energy movements and a zapper treatment are in order for sure as well as a mental contract cancellation. Comments please.
ah yes, the giving of permission - i've done this as well of course. it was a few years ago. what i say about that "giving of permission" now that i am much less and yet still quite manipulated by external forces second-by-second is that the giving of permission was also a manipulation - tricked into thinking about it - how? an internal urge synchronistically (magneticly) veered into a narrow allowance for external expression: use of the word abduction and giving of permission, for instance.
this is the phrasing you utilized to announce to the unknown your interest in interacting with it. and so it replied, expressed itself in your life as expected, even as requested: unexplained needle marks pretty much being synonymous with abductions at this point.
i mentioned once about how we draw sexual opportunities to ourselves constantly, but at a different consciousness or perspective from the one we are in when the opportunity presents itself and we end up cancelling the permission basically, aborting. call it drawing, attracting, manifesting, shifting perspectives or consciousnesses - it's navigating, but it requires a steady mind.
and so i had a similar response to my fright - wanting to cancel immediately any agreement i'd made.
and the depth of variance between your consciousness that gave permission and your consciousness that revoked it clearly brings them both into question. basically, metaphysically, even if it's "only" date-rape, it's still rape, metaphysically of course, and if permission is to actually matter.
i'd say, more like, it was time for the unknown to check in and this was the level of consciousness or what castaneda called personal power you were at: unable to hold consciousness through the interaction with the unknown and such that the picture you painted of the time leading up to and away from the loss of consciousness (which i'm sure is played by Mr. Sleep) was constructed of the quality of materials, or you could say the level at which your elevator opened at both ends (past & future) was the level at which such moments of intensity (because of focused attention, many questions) are interpreted according to the modern-day mythology, alien lore. if you look and see the unknown, it must take on known form to be seen. like the abduction-related details were dropped in at the moment of highest intensity and dispersed in both directions like a lake streaming down both sides of a mountain; scattered into the future & the past like covering tracks.
because the unknown is all about tricksies at this level. i just read Reality by Peter Kingsley, and it's about how Parmenides & Friends' teachings were basically it's all a trick, learn the ways of trickery!
Do you guys ever "feel the energy" from foods in the grocery store before picking it up and consuming it? A lady came into the showroom yesterday and showed me how to do it. It will probably take me years of practice but I'm interested to know your take(s). It involves placin gyour middle finer over your index finger and making a conscious statement that "this is good for me" before observing the level of resistance in your fingers in reaction to the food's energy.
Dan, they're coming for your R. Hubbard records...they don't have vinyl in space!
that is actually one of the things Ive been looking into recently. It's called applied kinesiology or muscle testing. The theory is that the subconscious, with functions we are usually unaware of, is tied into your nervous system and muscles. Through this you can find out your body's answer to just about anything.
When people are hypnotized the power of the subconscious is so strong that ammonia can smell like perfume and subjects will not feel any pain if directed to do so. You can also remember anything you ever witnessed in full clarity. Would it be so crazy to say that this other mind is capable of far more than that? especially if you could utilize it consciously?
This subconscious awareness uses a lot more of our senses than 'normal' and can pick up things our regular level of thought can't. So that technique shown to you is a bridge into that area of the brain. The thing is you can't think too much about what you are asking or it won't work. That's a real challenge that will take practice. It's better with two people because the person tested doesn't have to think about it.
Its interesting some actually came in and said that to you.
Space Jazz is indeed quite rare.
Ummm, guys? You realize you're all kind of nuts, right...???
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