Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Thursday, April 9, 2009
Recently I had a dream where a part of myself got right in my face and said "why don't you stop pointing to other websites and taking the easy way out". Dreams have been both a refuge and a very scary place as of late. I remember them all and stay in them even when I am aware, and even when they end up terrifying. It's the thrill of it and the different places that I go to that make day living bearable. I can't stand being in the same place all the time, eating the same food. It's so boring everyday, which is squarely my fault..
'"Taking the easy way out"
I wasn't shocked by this, I knew it to be true. This is in fact my current lifestyle and has been for quite awhile. It's not working out on so many levels. I wouldn't know where to start in determining where the laziness began. TV probably. Using my charm and perceived innocence to get out of things and situations. I got away with too much. I know it wears thin at times. Escapism can be good if you can bring something back and share it. But I don't quite do that.
I think dreaming is my little niche in the vast array of spiritual accoutrements you can acquire. Much like Megaman gets different weapons level to level, in this case it's my weapon in this life. It guides my creativity, shows me probable futures, gives me enjoyment, and quite often scares the living daylights out of me.
Living daylights, a phrase to think about.
A few tips for lucid dreaming:
- sleep in, easy for me
- when you are aware that you are in a dream, look at your hands
- wake up and then go back to sleep or take naps in the day.
- take lots of vitamin B complex
Sunday, February 8, 2009
Want to know whats really going on?
It has some of the best stories and articles about the ongoing push for globalization by the world's banking and political elite. It's going on my links section.
Monday, January 5, 2009
Strange Mark

Last night i mentally gave permission to be abducted. Just putting it out there to see what happened. Something changed from last night to today. What looks like a needle mark where needle marks would go on my right arm.
Was this a psychosomatic response, a very convenient spider bite, a MILAB or alien abduction? I'm not sure, I sure don't remember anything. Haven't been to the doctors in years but I definitely know what a needle mark looks like.
Energy movements and a zapper treatment are in order for sure as well as a mental contract cancellation. Comments please.
Monday, September 8, 2008
New Link: Soil and Health Library
Topics include homesteading, raw food, fasting, child rearing, sun therapy, alternative history, financial freedom tips and a lot more. It is free to use.
That's about it.
Soil and Health Library
Saturday, September 6, 2008
Algae Oil, Soy Dangers, and Free Energy Mumbo Jumbo
Stanley Meyer was an inventor that got astonishing results with his hydrogen generator. I hope to experiment in the future with his ideas. Too bad it takes about 20 minutes to get the concept down and a couple months or more digging on the internet to get it even somewhat right. Not to mention the costly mistakes you can make in building one of these. There's electrolysis and then there's what Stanley Meyer did. A lot of people on the net just don't get that.
He was killed in his home under mysterious circumstances before he could market his invention. Many other inventors have been killed to keep free energy a secret as well. Go to my link for Suppressed Science and look for Stanley Meyer and others. Not that he shouldn't have gotten money for it, but I believe he should have widely distributed all information about it to avoid being offed or having the knowledge lost like it is now.
When I posted Non-Energy Crisis a few months ago, I thought getting people aware of this was really important. It is, but this closely guarded secret in Alaska is a key to control in this world and will not be handed over easily. What can we do about it? Not much.
We have another option that might actually get mainstream attention. Forget ethanol or any kind of conventional biofuels. Crops like corn should be used for food not for energy, otherwise there are spikes in the food price like we had this year. They are also subsidized by the government and produce very little ethanol per acre. The future in biofuel is (should be) algae, which grows extremely fast and contains a high amount of oil in every tiny cell. This makes it much more productive than any food crop. It is also easy to convert into gasoline, diesel, or jet fuel.
Tangent: If we were to use any crop for biofuel I think it should be soy because it should only be eaten naturally fermented in small quantities. Not even most soy sauce is still fermented naturally. Soybeans contain phytoestrogens and other toxins that can interfere with natural hormonal processes in your body. Soy was originally used for fixing nitrogen in the ground for other crops and the occasional fermentation, nothing more. For all that fun info go to http://www.soyonlineservice.co.nz/ Soy also sucks because Monsanto has its dirty little hands all over it with roundup ready and self terminating seeds.
Take a look at this video about algae oil, which can grow 20,000 or more gallons of oil per acre per year. Other estimates put up to 100,000 in closed systems that minimize water loss and maximize sunlight. While only estimates, the initial tests and overall concept seem promising. Some plans even put algae into the exhaust system of factories to have the algae convert the pollutants and CO2 into oxygen and oil. Time will tell if this gets off the ground.
A good supplemental video about bio-fuels and veggie diesel engine conversions.
The Truth About Bio-fuels
Baby steps I guess
Monday, September 1, 2008
Hippie Hair Care

My hair now just smells like hair really. I don't know if this is for everybody and I still wash other hair with soap. It is important to brush your hair to get all the dead skin cells off your scalp and spread the oil from the roots to the tips but that's really all you need to do. I would suggest a natural bristle brush for this. If you towel dry it also gets some of that grease off. The more you towel dry the more you will get off. Nobody has noticed yet so it must be decent looking/smelling. I imagine if you are in any workplace with dust or penetrating odors this might not be for you.
Most shampoo's contain hormones like estrogen, and the dioxins in them can lead to heart disease and cancers. Endocrine disruptors in them can block important hormonal functions from taking place in the body. Same goes with most soaps as well.
The main reason I tried this is that with all the good things I do and eat, I am going bald. I figure the shampoo may not be helping with this situation. Now some may say it's all genetic, but when the baseline of humans are eating meat and cooked food there may be room for improvement.* We also have a host of herbs at our disposal in this day and age. If I am wrong you will probably all see the result, but it can't hurt to try.
What I am doing right now:
- 1500mg daily of Saw Palmetto blocks the testosterone from being converted to DHT, which is the primary cause of hair follicles to stop growing. An herbal propecia if you will. About 17 dollars for a 3 month supply
- 300mg daily of Ginkgo Biloba to increase circulation to the scalp.* About 12 dollars for a 4 month supply
- scalp massages
- liver cleanses
- dry brushing to remove dead skin cells from the scalp and evenly distributing natural oils
- not using shampoo
I don't know we will see, I think another contributor is the mercury fillings in my teeth. Heavy metal toxicity can cause hair loss among a host of other ailments. The FDA has finally put out a warning about these fillings, thank goodness.
*Another way to increase circulation would be to climb in a sauna, but my fillings prevent this at the moment. The heat would make a lot more mercury leak out of them.
*I ate meat on Saturday and generally thrashed my body.
On the other hand I have had a green smoothie every day for about a week and a half.
When will I seriously apply what I know?