This story is probably one of the most interesting on the internet. It is about an entomologist who found two intertwined secrets about the insect world. These secrets didn't change the world, nor would he want it to. If you read the portions of his book that are translated, you will be drawn in by this scholars warmth and sincerity as well as a great mind. This brilliant intellect was merged with a deep love and respect for the natural world. I really like his style of writing. He weaves his personal philosophy with decades of research so well. This is what makes his account so special, besides the stunning experiments that you yourself can do at home. Well, I suppose you couldn't do everything. His name is Victor S. Grebennikov, a Russian scientist who's study into insects led to incredible achievements little known to just about everybody.
As you might have guessed from the picture, this man is on a rickety old platform that appears to be levitating. Or is it? I would like to think so. In his book, he recalls the first times he experienced what he calls the cavity structural effect or CSE. He was camping in Siberia, and noticed an odd feeling around a cliff with large beehive in it. It was having strange effects on him. He saw flashes of light, had a metallic taste in his mouth, and felt generally awful after awhile. He took a lump of beehive home and while running his hand over the many tiny holes he felt a warmth. In chapter V of his book, he remarks,
A miracle! I had suddenly felt the warmth emanating from these remains. I've touched the lumps with my bare hand yet, they were cold. But, I could clearly feel the thermal sensation right above them. I could also feel some hitherto unknown jerks, some sort of "tick" in my fingers, besides the warmth. When I pushed the jar with the nests to the end of the desk and leaned over it, I had felt the same sensation in my head, the feeling, which has overwhelmed me by the lake. I felt again as if I were getting lighter and bigger, with the vertigo of my body falling down. I saw the same rapid flashes of light in my eyes and my mouth had the electric battery in it again. I have also become a bit nauseous...
Further experiments at the Agricultural Research Center led him to find out remarkable healing capabilities of cavity structures and the study of a human CSE effect. He believes that our hands have enough of these cavities to be able to effect the environment around us. Other crazy effects, such as localized time distortions, were noticed as well and are all recorded in his book. While this required broad and astounding thinking by Victor, what he discovered next was truly remarkable.
Much related but slightly different to the CSE effect was the discovery of the anti-gravitational properties of some insects chitinous shells. A certain type of Siberian insect when examined by Grebennikov had even stranger properties than most. Meticulously copying the geometry of the shell into something useful to him, he managed to construct a platform capable of, well...flying. He used it to visit and study his protected wildlife areas. There is a funny story about his first flight in the selected portions of the book. Pretty cool stuff. From what I've read however, the radiation from this platform may have led to his death.
When I first remembered this story about a month ago, I daydreamed of a real landspeeder, like the one from Star Wars: Return of the Jedi. When I read that I would have to travel to Siberia and try and find exactly the right insect, my hopes were dashed. The name of the species was not given out to protect them and their habitat. While there is to be sure other insects that do this, I would not know where to start. To top that off his son has stated that he smashed the platform to bits and doesn't know where it is. Other people say that it was on display in a museum and was taken by vandals.
Victor thought that many UFO sightings are actually people like him tinkering with this phenomenon. This is because the platform when gaining speed creates distortions in the space around it, which can manifest as a fuzzy ball or a bright light. He warned not to use it around anything with circuits, or they might go a little crazy. I hope you experiment with the CSE effect explained in the book, linked below.
The reason there is only a portion of the book is because the rest has not been translated. If you can read Russian you could probably find it online.
The book excerpt
Schematic of the platform and different types of wings
Flying Carpets? He can't be serious!
So much better than TV,
Apologies for my absence everyone