Friday, May 30, 2008

The Humanure Handbook - 255 pages of crap

What exactly is Humanure?

I'm sure you can guess exactly what it is. Your poop (and other stuff) turning into fertilizer. But details are necessary as to what's involved in order for someone to even think of doing this. I've done the dirty work on this book. Is it unsafe, messy, smelly, what? Well it could be if you wanted, but it doesn't have to be that way.

Joseph Jenkins is the author of The Humanure Handbook. He is a down to earth guy and this book is actually pretty hilarious. I mean it almost has to be when it's a book about poop. He has composted not just his but his families dumps for twenty-eight years now. Seriously. He has had an organic garden using this compost for about as long. It takes around two years to fully compost.

Humanure composting is safe, easy, and totally scalable. The author has lectured around the world about it. He's got nuns doin' it! If you have a backyard, you can do this. If you like to garden this is totally for you.

If you think about it, why do we relieve ourselves into clean water we paid the city to clean, just to foul it up again? Couldn't some of that water go into agriculture, or god forbid, be left in our streams, rivers, and lakes? Why are we the only land animals that routinely takes a poop in water? A lot of sewage is actually dumped into waterways untreated. 1/3 of household water is used to flush. We are smarter than that! or should be...

Imagine if everyone did this, if municipalities did this. Our topsoil could be what it once was and agriculture could be less about chemicals and more about sustainability. Our waterways would not be polluted by sewage. We could help control desertification in the Gobi and Sahara with the basest of our bodies functions combined with some intellect. Something to work for I guess...

Here are the basics.

With two or more 5 gallon buckets and sawdust, newspaper, or junk mail you can start making Humanure. He has instructions for adapting lids to these buckets. These can be in your house. When you #1 or #2, you have a rubbermaid container of material nearby to put over it. You put the lid back on and there you have it. Everyone trying it has had no problems with smell using this method. Depending on the material there might be an earthy smell at most. The bucket will probably last for two weeks. At that time you take it out to one of three compost bins. Cover it with a bit more leaves or kitchen scraps and there you go. After two years you will have safe and fully composted manure ready for whatever you want. This time lapse is for both safety and quality. Harmful bacteria in our waste is converted into good bacteria by natural methods as discussed more extensively in the book.

More detail and history is explained in The Humanure Handbook that is generously hosted by a number of websites, including the author's. This is probably one of the greenest things you can do. Then you can show off to your green friends. One of the funniest parts in the book is about when he has parties. He finds it funny the guests are actually paying him when they take a bathroom break!

Unfortunately I will have to wait to experience this, but to you readers with houses and an earth-conscious spirit, please give it a shot. The book is a funny and insightful look into one the things humans do but rarely talk about. Unless you are one of my friends who seem to talk about it a lot.

Joseph Jenkins' Humanure HQ:

The weather is making me think green. More info is to come...

Monday, May 26, 2008

B17 - A World Without Cancer

This video has to do with the vitamin B17, a vitamin found in 1830 that kills cancer cells while leaving other cells alone. A natural chemotherapy. This is the video version of G. Edward Griffin's book - A World Without Cancer. The reason this is so unknown is because of the obscene profitability of cancer treatments today. B17 is not patentable and therefore unprofitable.

From the website

Foods rich in vitamin B17 include: barley, bitter almonds (not the sweet almonds commonly available), native (bitter) cassava, chickpeas (garbanzo beans), grass (wheat grass and many other grasses), lentils, flaxseed, maize, millet, sorghum, and the seeds of various fruits (apple, apricot, blackthorn, cherry, nectarine, peach, plum). Most of these foods have been deleted from the modern menu. About 1,200 edible plants contain vitamin B17 and many natural remedies for cancer may be rich in this nutrient.

To prevent cancer, a maintenance dose of vitamin B17 can be provided by eating several bitter almonds or apricot seeds daily.The difference between sweet almonds and bitter almonds is the vitamin B17 that the bitter almonds contain. If you are using the 500 mg tablets of vitamin B17, the effect is magnified if you eat 5 - 7 sweet almonds with it because the enzymes in the almonds complement the vitamin. However, without sufficient zinc in the body, vitamin B17 cannot function. Also, results are better if the vitamin B17 is taken together with nutrients such as vitamin C, the other B vitamins, vitamin A, manganese, magnesium, and selenium.

Doctors prescribing vitamin B17 will generally use it as part of a total nutritional program consisting of diet, vitamins, minerals, enzymes and essential fatty acids. Soy foods are not recommended because they have the effect of inhibiting the body's ability to absorb certain minerals including calcium, magnesium, copper, iron and zinc.

Most of our disease in the developed world is caused by pollution, poor diet, and lack of exercise.
It's pretty simple.

Here's the video, I hope it helps someone

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Zapper - Connections

The interesting thing about Direct Current or DC electricity is that the energy is accepted and directly used by cells, given certain factors like voltage or frequency. At the same time the hosts' cells are being powered up, smaller bacteria and viruses are being destroyed. Not surprisingly, DC current can also be applied very successfully to agriculture. Here are some excerpts from, an amazing site that is linked under suppressed science on this site. This is from the section on Electro-Culture
Direct Current

In 1964, the USDA performed tests in which a negative electrode was placed high in a tree, and the positive electrode was connected to a nail driven into the base of the tree. Stimulation with 60 volts DC substantially increased leaf density on electrified branches after a month. Within a year, foliage increased 300% on those branches!

P.V. Kravtsov, et al., reported that the population of ammonifying bacteria (especially the sporogenous type) increases about 150% when soil or compost is exposed to continuous low-power DC. The symbiotic activity of nodule bacteria with bean plants was characterized by massive nodules near the base of the root. Field experiments were conducted on 40 hectares. The peas treated with electrified inoculant produced 34% more yield than a control crop. Carbon dioxide evolution in the soil increased over 35%. The authors also reported that treatment of seed with electric-spark discharge destroys microflora and activates the germination process.

"At the end of vegetation the experimental cotton plant possessed twice or three times as many pods as the control plant. The mean weight of the seeds and fiber was greater in the experimental plants also. In the case of sugar beet the yield and sugar content were increased, and in places near the negative pole the increase in sugar content was particularly high. The tomato yield increased by 10-30%, and the chemical composition of the fruit was modified. The chlorophyll content of these plants was always greater than that of the control... Corn plants absorbed twice as much nitrogen as control plants during the vegetative period... The transpiration of the experimental plant was higher than that of the control, especially in the evening...
These are just a few examples of how DC current can help plants by increasing their growth and eliminating harmful bacteria, but does this apply to animal cells? There really isn't much difference between plant and animal cells. Did you know liquid chlorophyll can actually be a substitute for blood transfusions? I often have more energy when I wear my zapper. Could it be that my cells are also drawing on this electric current? Proof? Well I saw it somewhere...Let me look around...

In the meantime try a zapper or conduct experiments with your garden. Directly experience this stuff and you will know the truth.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

The Zapper

When I first learned about zappers it was around the time I found out about liver cleansing. It was one of Hulda Clark's prerequisites for the liver cleanse. The reason being that parasite's were inside the liver and would make it hard to be cleaned if they were still living. My interest was piqued, but I didn't know where to start in order to find one that was easy to use. Obviously, the internet was the starting point. It was around 2003 that I typed 'zapper' into a search engine. The first few sites were interesting to say the least. Some specialized in zappers and sold instruments that were bulky, extravagant, and expensive. Some however, focused on zappers that were small, uncomplicated and not nearly as expensive.

Don and Carol Croft and their site had a zapper business but also sold something else. Don is one of the better-known proponents of orgonite. Orgonite is claimed to heal both living things and the atmosphere. Orgonite is based on the work of Wilhelm Reich, a psychologist who believed he discovered an energy called orgone. His weather experiments brought rain to drought stricken areas. He claimed his orgone accumulator could help heal a host of ailments from depression to cancer. Eventually, his books were burned and he was put in jail because the FDA labeled him a quack. I was curious and ordered from a vendor connected with the Crofts and received my first orgonite. But that story is for another time...

It was exciting to know that bio-electric therapy could supposedly do so much. It was said it would get rid of viruses, parasites, and bacteria in your blood. I have been lucky in health throughout my life but at the time I had a plantars wart. It's a growth of the human papilloma virus (HPV) that happens to be on your foot or toes. It was large, nasty, and could not be gotten rid of. I had used salicylic acid, freezing, and surgery to remove it. It could not be treated and I was resigned to shave the top of it off when it started to hurt.

That summer I had my sister use her credit card to buy me a zapper from Orgonise-Africa, an orgonite and zapper vendor based in South Africa. It arrived and I tried it with glee. I strapped it to my foot and within a few days it was gone. Totally gone in not weeks or months but DAYS. This thing I had been living with for 4 years was gone! I was shocked and so happy. Later on, when I didn't use my zapper at all I had a terrible hacking cough. When it got really bad, I thought of my zapper. I put it on and most of the symptoms disappeared overnight. By the end of the next day I was almost fully recovered. The next year I got the same thing but had lost my zapper. I decided to get one from the Crofts this time. Again, it was all I needed to control it.

Now I wear it 2 to 3 times a week just to keep my blood clean and usually just wear it to bed. The models from Orgonise-Africa and the Crofts are very discreet as well. You could wear them while on your daily routines. My only warning about them is that unless you get a zapper with silver or gold contacts from Orgonise-Africa, you should stick it on the sole of your foot. The copper can burn you. The soles and your palms are a different kind of skin and will not be affected. I prefer to have it on while I sleep. They run on 9 volt batteries so depending on use, one battery could last weeks. The two zappers I have had are based on the same plans actually.

Georg Ritschl, the owner of Orgonise-Africa, has had great success helping many people afflicted with HIV and other diseases. He often gives zappers for free to various villages, institutions, and healing centers around Southern Africa. Even if you think orgonite is more than a little crazy, you won't believe the results you get from a zapper.

With all of this orgonite talk I forgot about an even cheaper zapper that you could get. tendollarzapper is where you can get a zapper without all the doo-dads. I don't think anything is exactly 10 bucks but it would be a good introduction to bio-electric therapy for those with little money. This came online only recently and I haven't tried anything of theirs because I already have a zapper. I imagine they work really well.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

The Energy Non-Crisis

There is an oil crisis going on in the USA and elsewhere but we could be independent within a few months if we weren't being manipulated by a host of people who know the truth. Watch this fascinating video from a former oil insider about:
  • just how much oil is under the north slope of Alaska
  • why this is being kept a secret
  • who really gets the profits
  • the true goal of this agenda
The USA is being set-up to be destroyed. Everyone is falling for this guise of incompetence in the nation's highest offices while nothing could be farther from the truth. You will see just a glimpse in this video of what is really going on.

This will blow your mind

Energy Non-Crisis