While most of us have heard about not eating fish or breaking thermometers because of mercury toxicity, not many have heard of the dangers hidden from us by the medical establishment and media. There are three other dangerous sources that you may have voluntarily exposed yourself to. The three sources are:
- "Silver" Amalgam fillings
- Vaccines
- Compact fluorescent light bulbs or CFL's
If you have ever seen or read Alice in Wonderland, you will remember the Mad Hatter. In Britain and elsewhere in the 1800's Industrial period fur hats were quite fashionable. What the hat maker had to do was use a mercury compound to make the cheaper furs attach to the hat surface.
[1] These mercury vapors are most damaging to the brain, nervous system and liver. While these Mad Hatter's most likely were exposed to quite a bit more mercury than the average person today, the fact is it doesn't take much for people sensitive to mercury to have symptoms. The profession most exposed to mercury these days are dentists, and I'll tell you why.
So called "Silver" amalgam fillings have mercury in them. The mercury content in these fillings is up to 50%.
[2] What the ADA won't tell you is that this mercury becomes a vapor when in contact with hot foods or beverages. Friction like brushing, chewing, or drilling will release even more mercury. See this for video of leakage
[3] This is the largest source of mercury that is poisoning our population. Dentists have the most to lose from choosing to put these fillings in health wise. Money wise they profit. Personally, I have seen a difference in my personality before and after I had 7 fillings put in over the years. Symptoms include:
- stuttering
- memory loss
- depression
- anxiety
- chronic fatigue
- constant low body temperature
These symptoms were simply not there before all of this. Interesting to think about though, huh. A few links will be at the bottom. Don't worry because there is plenty of resources on the web and dentist's who do know about this. Do not try to detox mercury with fillings in! Get them out first by a biological/holistic dentist.
Vaccines come in at number two in the countdown of dangers because mercury is in quite a few of them. Lawsuits have forced mercury out of some vaccines. The pharmaceutical companies say there isn't that much in each vaccination but you have to think about it proportionally. A baby is small, and it's nervous system as well as everything else is growing. With so many vaccines loaded with formaldehyde, aluminum, and mercury, it becomes a burden rather than a blessing. Go
here to find out more. Again, more links will be at the bottom of the post.
Finally, the least publicized source of mercury is from CFL lightbulbs. Compact fluorescents save money, but do they save the environment? Definitely not. These bulbs have mercury in them! Did you know that? This is how the EPA recommends
clean up. What happens when this mercury is put in the land fill? If you can use them, not break them, and take them to a proper disposal center that is totally fine by me. But don't just throw it away, please. The quality of light is also not good for your eyes or mood. Save money by getting energy-efficient appliances and living in buildings like
monolithic domes. Install skylights. Thats were you can really save.
Sorry to scare you and leave you with nothing to remedy this. You
can detoxify mercury. Some detox methods include MSM supplementation, chelation, bentonite clay, sauna's, and the Master Cleanse. Working with many approaches at once is probably a good idea but you can't rush heavy metal detox. Consult a doctor that specializes in this please. If you decide you want to get your fillings out, there are dentists for that as well.
Honestly, I just opened up the box, there is soooo much more information about this topic. Remember that the FDA, AMA, and ADA are not what you think they are. Their
leaders aim to protect the medical establishment and pharmaceutical companies, not you. Seriously look into that statement. This is not to say there aren't honest and sincere individuals in these organizations, it's just they don't make the policies and/or have serious academic blinders on.
Mercury affects people in very different ways and because of this it has been hard to make a case to the general public. Some people have a very high tolerance for it. After all, our bodies ability to cope with stuff is amazing and everyone has different strong points in that regard. Some people are not even affected by it for many years. However, the body is not very good at excreting mercury and over time an accumulation may be enough to harm you.
note: I really must work on my references and for that I sincerely apologize, I will work diligently to improve this in the future. Many of the links I provide have massive lists of medical as well as anecdotal references for your perusal.
Other Links:
Holistic Dental NetworkMercury Dangers by Stephanie RelfeVaccine LiberationMore Vaccine infoBentonite, and Detox info