The Soil and Health Library is a great source for the rarest of books about natural agriculture, nutrition, and other often better ways of thought. It is quite inspiring for me to read about the pioneers of the raw food movement and the humble radicals that never made the history books.
Topics include homesteading, raw food, fasting, child rearing, sun therapy, alternative history, financial freedom tips and a lot more. It is free to use.
That's about it.
Soil and Health Library
Monday, September 8, 2008
Saturday, September 6, 2008
Algae Oil, Soy Dangers, and Free Energy Mumbo Jumbo
Free or extremely low-cost energy is THE way to gain freedom from the flock of insane leaders that are running this world. I think that free zero-point energy has already been figured out but hidden from the public, but this post is only partly about that.
Stanley Meyer was an inventor that got astonishing results with his hydrogen generator. I hope to experiment in the future with his ideas. Too bad it takes about 20 minutes to get the concept down and a couple months or more digging on the internet to get it even somewhat right. Not to mention the costly mistakes you can make in building one of these. There's electrolysis and then there's what Stanley Meyer did. A lot of people on the net just don't get that.
He was killed in his home under mysterious circumstances before he could market his invention. Many other inventors have been killed to keep free energy a secret as well. Go to my link for Suppressed Science and look for Stanley Meyer and others. Not that he shouldn't have gotten money for it, but I believe he should have widely distributed all information about it to avoid being offed or having the knowledge lost like it is now.
When I posted Non-Energy Crisis a few months ago, I thought getting people aware of this was really important. It is, but this closely guarded secret in Alaska is a key to control in this world and will not be handed over easily. What can we do about it? Not much.
We have another option that might actually get mainstream attention. Forget ethanol or any kind of conventional biofuels. Crops like corn should be used for food not for energy, otherwise there are spikes in the food price like we had this year. They are also subsidized by the government and produce very little ethanol per acre. The future in biofuel is (should be) algae, which grows extremely fast and contains a high amount of oil in every tiny cell. This makes it much more productive than any food crop. It is also easy to convert into gasoline, diesel, or jet fuel.
Tangent: If we were to use any crop for biofuel I think it should be soy because it should only be eaten naturally fermented in small quantities. Not even most soy sauce is still fermented naturally. Soybeans contain phytoestrogens and other toxins that can interfere with natural hormonal processes in your body. Soy was originally used for fixing nitrogen in the ground for other crops and the occasional fermentation, nothing more. For all that fun info go to Soy also sucks because Monsanto has its dirty little hands all over it with roundup ready and self terminating seeds.
Take a look at this video about algae oil, which can grow 20,000 or more gallons of oil per acre per year. Other estimates put up to 100,000 in closed systems that minimize water loss and maximize sunlight. While only estimates, the initial tests and overall concept seem promising. Some plans even put algae into the exhaust system of factories to have the algae convert the pollutants and CO2 into oxygen and oil. Time will tell if this gets off the ground.
A good supplemental video about bio-fuels and veggie diesel engine conversions.
The Truth About Bio-fuels
Baby steps I guess
Stanley Meyer was an inventor that got astonishing results with his hydrogen generator. I hope to experiment in the future with his ideas. Too bad it takes about 20 minutes to get the concept down and a couple months or more digging on the internet to get it even somewhat right. Not to mention the costly mistakes you can make in building one of these. There's electrolysis and then there's what Stanley Meyer did. A lot of people on the net just don't get that.
He was killed in his home under mysterious circumstances before he could market his invention. Many other inventors have been killed to keep free energy a secret as well. Go to my link for Suppressed Science and look for Stanley Meyer and others. Not that he shouldn't have gotten money for it, but I believe he should have widely distributed all information about it to avoid being offed or having the knowledge lost like it is now.
When I posted Non-Energy Crisis a few months ago, I thought getting people aware of this was really important. It is, but this closely guarded secret in Alaska is a key to control in this world and will not be handed over easily. What can we do about it? Not much.
We have another option that might actually get mainstream attention. Forget ethanol or any kind of conventional biofuels. Crops like corn should be used for food not for energy, otherwise there are spikes in the food price like we had this year. They are also subsidized by the government and produce very little ethanol per acre. The future in biofuel is (should be) algae, which grows extremely fast and contains a high amount of oil in every tiny cell. This makes it much more productive than any food crop. It is also easy to convert into gasoline, diesel, or jet fuel.
Tangent: If we were to use any crop for biofuel I think it should be soy because it should only be eaten naturally fermented in small quantities. Not even most soy sauce is still fermented naturally. Soybeans contain phytoestrogens and other toxins that can interfere with natural hormonal processes in your body. Soy was originally used for fixing nitrogen in the ground for other crops and the occasional fermentation, nothing more. For all that fun info go to Soy also sucks because Monsanto has its dirty little hands all over it with roundup ready and self terminating seeds.
Take a look at this video about algae oil, which can grow 20,000 or more gallons of oil per acre per year. Other estimates put up to 100,000 in closed systems that minimize water loss and maximize sunlight. While only estimates, the initial tests and overall concept seem promising. Some plans even put algae into the exhaust system of factories to have the algae convert the pollutants and CO2 into oxygen and oil. Time will tell if this gets off the ground.
A good supplemental video about bio-fuels and veggie diesel engine conversions.
The Truth About Bio-fuels
Baby steps I guess
Monday, September 1, 2008
Hippie Hair Care

My hair now just smells like hair really. I don't know if this is for everybody and I still wash other hair with soap. It is important to brush your hair to get all the dead skin cells off your scalp and spread the oil from the roots to the tips but that's really all you need to do. I would suggest a natural bristle brush for this. If you towel dry it also gets some of that grease off. The more you towel dry the more you will get off. Nobody has noticed yet so it must be decent looking/smelling. I imagine if you are in any workplace with dust or penetrating odors this might not be for you.
Most shampoo's contain hormones like estrogen, and the dioxins in them can lead to heart disease and cancers. Endocrine disruptors in them can block important hormonal functions from taking place in the body. Same goes with most soaps as well.
The main reason I tried this is that with all the good things I do and eat, I am going bald. I figure the shampoo may not be helping with this situation. Now some may say it's all genetic, but when the baseline of humans are eating meat and cooked food there may be room for improvement.* We also have a host of herbs at our disposal in this day and age. If I am wrong you will probably all see the result, but it can't hurt to try.
What I am doing right now:
- 1500mg daily of Saw Palmetto blocks the testosterone from being converted to DHT, which is the primary cause of hair follicles to stop growing. An herbal propecia if you will. About 17 dollars for a 3 month supply
- 300mg daily of Ginkgo Biloba to increase circulation to the scalp.* About 12 dollars for a 4 month supply
- scalp massages
- liver cleanses
- dry brushing to remove dead skin cells from the scalp and evenly distributing natural oils
- not using shampoo
I don't know we will see, I think another contributor is the mercury fillings in my teeth. Heavy metal toxicity can cause hair loss among a host of other ailments. The FDA has finally put out a warning about these fillings, thank goodness.
*Another way to increase circulation would be to climb in a sauna, but my fillings prevent this at the moment. The heat would make a lot more mercury leak out of them.
*I ate meat on Saturday and generally thrashed my body.
On the other hand I have had a green smoothie every day for about a week and a half.
When will I seriously apply what I know?
Saturday, August 16, 2008
For the Boys
I loath myself for not posting in what, a month or more? I feel like this blog is a lot like my mind, ambitious but quite lazy. Just what am I trying to do here?
In an effort to get some momentum I will start with something I can link to. It's a kind of weird thing to put out there actually.
Penis exercises.
"Wow, Dan, you randy, perverted fellow" you might be saying to yourself. Well, you might be right, but it really works well. By increasing circulation and stretching your dingy you may well gain some inches and girth. Go from a ding to a dong. I'm just saying...
You definitely need some privacy though, and a tv.
Maybe some Queen or Rush to listen to.
Here's a free website with the info
Funny thing that the website is
I swear it isn't mine.
Penis Enlargement Techniques
In an effort to get some momentum I will start with something I can link to. It's a kind of weird thing to put out there actually.
Penis exercises.
"Wow, Dan, you randy, perverted fellow" you might be saying to yourself. Well, you might be right, but it really works well. By increasing circulation and stretching your dingy you may well gain some inches and girth. Go from a ding to a dong. I'm just saying...
You definitely need some privacy though, and a tv.
Maybe some Queen or Rush to listen to.
Here's a free website with the info
Funny thing that the website is
I swear it isn't mine.
Penis Enlargement Techniques
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Gifts from the Insect World

This story is probably one of the most interesting on the internet. It is about an entomologist who found two intertwined secrets about the insect world. These secrets didn't change the world, nor would he want it to. If you read the portions of his book that are translated, you will be drawn in by this scholars warmth and sincerity as well as a great mind. This brilliant intellect was merged with a deep love and respect for the natural world. I really like his style of writing. He weaves his personal philosophy with decades of research so well. This is what makes his account so special, besides the stunning experiments that you yourself can do at home. Well, I suppose you couldn't do everything. His name is Victor S. Grebennikov, a Russian scientist who's study into insects led to incredible achievements little known to just about everybody.
As you might have guessed from the picture, this man is on a rickety old platform that appears to be levitating. Or is it? I would like to think so. In his book, he recalls the first times he experienced what he calls the cavity structural effect or CSE. He was camping in Siberia, and noticed an odd feeling around a cliff with large beehive in it. It was having strange effects on him. He saw flashes of light, had a metallic taste in his mouth, and felt generally awful after awhile. He took a lump of beehive home and while running his hand over the many tiny holes he felt a warmth. In chapter V of his book, he remarks,
A miracle! I had suddenly felt the warmth emanating from these remains. I've touched the lumps with my bare hand yet, they were cold. But, I could clearly feel the thermal sensation right above them. I could also feel some hitherto unknown jerks, some sort of "tick" in my fingers, besides the warmth. When I pushed the jar with the nests to the end of the desk and leaned over it, I had felt the same sensation in my head, the feeling, which has overwhelmed me by the lake. I felt again as if I were getting lighter and bigger, with the vertigo of my body falling down. I saw the same rapid flashes of light in my eyes and my mouth had the electric battery in it again. I have also become a bit nauseous...
Further experiments at the Agricultural Research Center led him to find out remarkable healing capabilities of cavity structures and the study of a human CSE effect. He believes that our hands have enough of these cavities to be able to effect the environment around us. Other crazy effects, such as localized time distortions, were noticed as well and are all recorded in his book. While this required broad and astounding thinking by Victor, what he discovered next was truly remarkable.
Much related but slightly different to the CSE effect was the discovery of the anti-gravitational properties of some insects chitinous shells. A certain type of Siberian insect when examined by Grebennikov had even stranger properties than most. Meticulously copying the geometry of the shell into something useful to him, he managed to construct a platform capable of, well...flying. He used it to visit and study his protected wildlife areas. There is a funny story about his first flight in the selected portions of the book. Pretty cool stuff. From what I've read however, the radiation from this platform may have led to his death.
When I first remembered this story about a month ago, I daydreamed of a real landspeeder, like the one from Star Wars: Return of the Jedi. When I read that I would have to travel to Siberia and try and find exactly the right insect, my hopes were dashed. The name of the species was not given out to protect them and their habitat. While there is to be sure other insects that do this, I would not know where to start. To top that off his son has stated that he smashed the platform to bits and doesn't know where it is. Other people say that it was on display in a museum and was taken by vandals.
Victor thought that many UFO sightings are actually people like him tinkering with this phenomenon. This is because the platform when gaining speed creates distortions in the space around it, which can manifest as a fuzzy ball or a bright light. He warned not to use it around anything with circuits, or they might go a little crazy. I hope you experiment with the CSE effect explained in the book, linked below.
The reason there is only a portion of the book is because the rest has not been translated. If you can read Russian you could probably find it online.
The book excerpt
Schematic of the platform and different types of wings
Flying Carpets? He can't be serious!
So much better than TV,
Apologies for my absence everyone
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
Beautiful Barefoot Benefits

Some days living here at my folks house I like to take walks. They are rather short and are usually the same route. I go barefoot most of the time, mostly because I like to. Of course my feet look good, thanks to my zapper and dry skin brushing. I don't pamper them either, so a nice layer of hardness lies on the bottom of them. They are used to loose gravel, hot pavement, and occasional unpleasant artifacts. I've been a barefooter since I was a kid, enjoying the grass and sand especially. I developed a minor philosophy around it. *As if I needed to justify what I did* I felt that it was a natural thing to do and people that walk barefoot get more out of life. You get that much more tactile sensory out of your day. I felt that if society walked barefoot that the ground would be free of junk and people would be a lot happier. Of course millions of people still do walk around barefoot across the world, thank the maker. There are actually many barefoot clubs around that you can join in the US. for example.
It turned out later there was a little more to it. Humans evolved, like many other species, in communion with the ground. We would sleep on it, sit on it, and walk on it for life. As we have electric current running through us there is a also natural voltage in the ground. The sky and the earth exchange electricity too, sometimes violently as is the case with lightning. We and all other organisms are a part of this process, albeit a minor one. When barefoot, any extra current will run into the ground and we will be at the same charge as the earth. This grounding may be more beneficial for us than we think.
Recent research from informs us of this natural process. While they sell grounded sheets for you to sleep between, I would suggest trying a barefoot romp in your backyard or a park for personal confirmations on this idea. Lance Armstrong, to name drop, uses the portable version of the grounding blanket and his whole team benefited during the Tour de France by using this technology. Preliminary studies show barefoot technology decreases recovery time for athletes and the injured, relieves stress, and reduces inflammation. I am hoping to get the sheets at but until then I will continue walking and playing barefoot in these summer months. They cost a lot because there is silver in the sheets.
Reflexology is Traditional Chinese Medicines approach of looking at the feet. Different pressure points on the feet correspond to different organs because of how nerves and other energy pathways are laid out in the body. Barefoot walking may help you by stimulating all these pressure points in your feet. As for me, it is also a psychological and spiritual need, linking me to childhood and the natural pulse of the earth that I feel connects everything. Shoes can also become an obsession.
Another foot related subject is Japanese foot detox pads. They work with the reflexology points on the feet as well. They are awesome, so awesome that when I had too much to drink one night I slapped one on each foot and woke up not just alright but refreshed. They really do accumulate tons of metabolic junk and heavy metals. The thing I don't like about them is that they can get gooey and mess up the sheets. You also will have to buy a few dozen to really get all the benefits, which can be pricey. I also will say that no two brands are created equal. I have only tried one brand but you all should look around for a product with scientific backing. Personally, I would opt for a bentonite clay bath to detox but that can be messy and/or too much some.
Stop getting shocked on your car door! walk barefoot.
Friday, May 30, 2008
The Humanure Handbook - 255 pages of crap
What exactly is Humanure?
I'm sure you can guess exactly what it is. Your poop (and other stuff) turning into fertilizer. But details are necessary as to what's involved in order for someone to even think of doing this. I've done the dirty work on this book. Is it unsafe, messy, smelly, what? Well it could be if you wanted, but it doesn't have to be that way.
Joseph Jenkins is the author of The Humanure Handbook. He is a down to earth guy and this book is actually pretty hilarious. I mean it almost has to be when it's a book about poop. He has composted not just his but his families dumps for twenty-eight years now. Seriously. He has had an organic garden using this compost for about as long. It takes around two years to fully compost.
Humanure composting is safe, easy, and totally scalable. The author has lectured around the world about it. He's got nuns doin' it! If you have a backyard, you can do this. If you like to garden this is totally for you.
If you think about it, why do we relieve ourselves into clean water we paid the city to clean, just to foul it up again? Couldn't some of that water go into agriculture, or god forbid, be left in our streams, rivers, and lakes? Why are we the only land animals that routinely takes a poop in water? A lot of sewage is actually dumped into waterways untreated. 1/3 of household water is used to flush. We are smarter than that! or should be...
Imagine if everyone did this, if municipalities did this. Our topsoil could be what it once was and agriculture could be less about chemicals and more about sustainability. Our waterways would not be polluted by sewage. We could help control desertification in the Gobi and Sahara with the basest of our bodies functions combined with some intellect. Something to work for I guess...
Here are the basics.
With two or more 5 gallon buckets and sawdust, newspaper, or junk mail you can start making Humanure. He has instructions for adapting lids to these buckets. These can be in your house. When you #1 or #2, you have a rubbermaid container of material nearby to put over it. You put the lid back on and there you have it. Everyone trying it has had no problems with smell using this method. Depending on the material there might be an earthy smell at most. The bucket will probably last for two weeks. At that time you take it out to one of three compost bins. Cover it with a bit more leaves or kitchen scraps and there you go. After two years you will have safe and fully composted manure ready for whatever you want. This time lapse is for both safety and quality. Harmful bacteria in our waste is converted into good bacteria by natural methods as discussed more extensively in the book.
More detail and history is explained in The Humanure Handbook that is generously hosted by a number of websites, including the author's. This is probably one of the greenest things you can do. Then you can show off to your green friends. One of the funniest parts in the book is about when he has parties. He finds it funny the guests are actually paying him when they take a bathroom break!
Unfortunately I will have to wait to experience this, but to you readers with houses and an earth-conscious spirit, please give it a shot. The book is a funny and insightful look into one the things humans do but rarely talk about. Unless you are one of my friends who seem to talk about it a lot.
Joseph Jenkins' Humanure HQ:
The weather is making me think green. More info is to come...
I'm sure you can guess exactly what it is. Your poop (and other stuff) turning into fertilizer. But details are necessary as to what's involved in order for someone to even think of doing this. I've done the dirty work on this book. Is it unsafe, messy, smelly, what? Well it could be if you wanted, but it doesn't have to be that way.
Joseph Jenkins is the author of The Humanure Handbook. He is a down to earth guy and this book is actually pretty hilarious. I mean it almost has to be when it's a book about poop. He has composted not just his but his families dumps for twenty-eight years now. Seriously. He has had an organic garden using this compost for about as long. It takes around two years to fully compost.
Humanure composting is safe, easy, and totally scalable. The author has lectured around the world about it. He's got nuns doin' it! If you have a backyard, you can do this. If you like to garden this is totally for you.
If you think about it, why do we relieve ourselves into clean water we paid the city to clean, just to foul it up again? Couldn't some of that water go into agriculture, or god forbid, be left in our streams, rivers, and lakes? Why are we the only land animals that routinely takes a poop in water? A lot of sewage is actually dumped into waterways untreated. 1/3 of household water is used to flush. We are smarter than that! or should be...
Imagine if everyone did this, if municipalities did this. Our topsoil could be what it once was and agriculture could be less about chemicals and more about sustainability. Our waterways would not be polluted by sewage. We could help control desertification in the Gobi and Sahara with the basest of our bodies functions combined with some intellect. Something to work for I guess...
Here are the basics.
With two or more 5 gallon buckets and sawdust, newspaper, or junk mail you can start making Humanure. He has instructions for adapting lids to these buckets. These can be in your house. When you #1 or #2, you have a rubbermaid container of material nearby to put over it. You put the lid back on and there you have it. Everyone trying it has had no problems with smell using this method. Depending on the material there might be an earthy smell at most. The bucket will probably last for two weeks. At that time you take it out to one of three compost bins. Cover it with a bit more leaves or kitchen scraps and there you go. After two years you will have safe and fully composted manure ready for whatever you want. This time lapse is for both safety and quality. Harmful bacteria in our waste is converted into good bacteria by natural methods as discussed more extensively in the book.
More detail and history is explained in The Humanure Handbook that is generously hosted by a number of websites, including the author's. This is probably one of the greenest things you can do. Then you can show off to your green friends. One of the funniest parts in the book is about when he has parties. He finds it funny the guests are actually paying him when they take a bathroom break!
Unfortunately I will have to wait to experience this, but to you readers with houses and an earth-conscious spirit, please give it a shot. The book is a funny and insightful look into one the things humans do but rarely talk about. Unless you are one of my friends who seem to talk about it a lot.
Joseph Jenkins' Humanure HQ:
The weather is making me think green. More info is to come...
Monday, May 26, 2008
B17 - A World Without Cancer
This video has to do with the vitamin B17, a vitamin found in 1830 that kills cancer cells while leaving other cells alone. A natural chemotherapy. This is the video version of G. Edward Griffin's book - A World Without Cancer. The reason this is so unknown is because of the obscene profitability of cancer treatments today. B17 is not patentable and therefore unprofitable.
From the website
Most of our disease in the developed world is caused by pollution, poor diet, and lack of exercise.
It's pretty simple.
Here's the video, I hope it helps someone
From the website
Foods rich in vitamin B17 include: barley, bitter almonds (not the sweet almonds commonly available), native (bitter) cassava, chickpeas (garbanzo beans), grass (wheat grass and many other grasses), lentils, flaxseed, maize, millet, sorghum, and the seeds of various fruits (apple, apricot, blackthorn, cherry, nectarine, peach, plum). Most of these foods have been deleted from the modern menu. About 1,200 edible plants contain vitamin B17 and many natural remedies for cancer may be rich in this nutrient.
To prevent cancer, a maintenance dose of vitamin B17 can be provided by eating several bitter almonds or apricot seeds daily.The difference between sweet almonds and bitter almonds is the vitamin B17 that the bitter almonds contain. If you are using the 500 mg tablets of vitamin B17, the effect is magnified if you eat 5 - 7 sweet almonds with it because the enzymes in the almonds complement the vitamin. However, without sufficient zinc in the body, vitamin B17 cannot function. Also, results are better if the vitamin B17 is taken together with nutrients such as vitamin C, the other B vitamins, vitamin A, manganese, magnesium, and selenium.
Doctors prescribing vitamin B17 will generally use it as part of a total nutritional program consisting of diet, vitamins, minerals, enzymes and essential fatty acids. Soy foods are not recommended because they have the effect of inhibiting the body's ability to absorb certain minerals including calcium, magnesium, copper, iron and zinc.
Most of our disease in the developed world is caused by pollution, poor diet, and lack of exercise.
It's pretty simple.
Here's the video, I hope it helps someone
Alternative Health,
cancer treatment,
vitamin therapy
Sunday, May 25, 2008
Zapper - Connections
The interesting thing about Direct Current or DC electricity is that the energy is accepted and directly used by cells, given certain factors like voltage or frequency. At the same time the hosts' cells are being powered up, smaller bacteria and viruses are being destroyed. Not surprisingly, DC current can also be applied very successfully to agriculture. Here are some excerpts from, an amazing site that is linked under suppressed science on this site. This is from the section on Electro-Culture
Direct Current
In 1964, the USDA performed tests in which a negative electrode was placed high in a tree, and the positive electrode was connected to a nail driven into the base of the tree. Stimulation with 60 volts DC substantially increased leaf density on electrified branches after a month. Within a year, foliage increased 300% on those branches!
P.V. Kravtsov, et al., reported that the population of ammonifying bacteria (especially the sporogenous type) increases about 150% when soil or compost is exposed to continuous low-power DC. The symbiotic activity of nodule bacteria with bean plants was characterized by massive nodules near the base of the root. Field experiments were conducted on 40 hectares. The peas treated with electrified inoculant produced 34% more yield than a control crop. Carbon dioxide evolution in the soil increased over 35%. The authors also reported that treatment of seed with electric-spark discharge destroys microflora and activates the germination process.
"At the end of vegetation the experimental cotton plant possessed twice or three times as many pods as the control plant. The mean weight of the seeds and fiber was greater in the experimental plants also. In the case of sugar beet the yield and sugar content were increased, and in places near the negative pole the increase in sugar content was particularly high. The tomato yield increased by 10-30%, and the chemical composition of the fruit was modified. The chlorophyll content of these plants was always greater than that of the control... Corn plants absorbed twice as much nitrogen as control plants during the vegetative period... The transpiration of the experimental plant was higher than that of the control, especially in the evening...
In the meantime try a zapper or conduct experiments with your garden. Directly experience this stuff and you will know the truth.
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
The Zapper
When I first learned about zappers it was around the time I found out about liver cleansing. It was one of Hulda Clark's prerequisites for the liver cleanse. The reason being that parasite's were inside the liver and would make it hard to be cleaned if they were still living. My interest was piqued, but I didn't know where to start in order to find one that was easy to use. Obviously, the internet was the starting point. It was around 2003 that I typed 'zapper' into a search engine. The first few sites were interesting to say the least. Some specialized in zappers and sold instruments that were bulky, extravagant, and expensive. Some however, focused on zappers that were small, uncomplicated and not nearly as expensive.
Don and Carol Croft and their site had a zapper business but also sold something else. Don is one of the better-known proponents of orgonite. Orgonite is claimed to heal both living things and the atmosphere. Orgonite is based on the work of Wilhelm Reich, a psychologist who believed he discovered an energy called orgone. His weather experiments brought rain to drought stricken areas. He claimed his orgone accumulator could help heal a host of ailments from depression to cancer. Eventually, his books were burned and he was put in jail because the FDA labeled him a quack. I was curious and ordered from a vendor connected with the Crofts and received my first orgonite. But that story is for another time...
It was exciting to know that bio-electric therapy could supposedly do so much. It was said it would get rid of viruses, parasites, and bacteria in your blood. I have been lucky in health throughout my life but at the time I had a plantars wart. It's a growth of the human papilloma virus (HPV) that happens to be on your foot or toes. It was large, nasty, and could not be gotten rid of. I had used salicylic acid, freezing, and surgery to remove it. It could not be treated and I was resigned to shave the top of it off when it started to hurt.
That summer I had my sister use her credit card to buy me a zapper from Orgonise-Africa, an orgonite and zapper vendor based in South Africa. It arrived and I tried it with glee. I strapped it to my foot and within a few days it was gone. Totally gone in not weeks or months but DAYS. This thing I had been living with for 4 years was gone! I was shocked and so happy. Later on, when I didn't use my zapper at all I had a terrible hacking cough. When it got really bad, I thought of my zapper. I put it on and most of the symptoms disappeared overnight. By the end of the next day I was almost fully recovered. The next year I got the same thing but had lost my zapper. I decided to get one from the Crofts this time. Again, it was all I needed to control it.
Now I wear it 2 to 3 times a week just to keep my blood clean and usually just wear it to bed. The models from Orgonise-Africa and the Crofts are very discreet as well. You could wear them while on your daily routines. My only warning about them is that unless you get a zapper with silver or gold contacts from Orgonise-Africa, you should stick it on the sole of your foot. The copper can burn you. The soles and your palms are a different kind of skin and will not be affected. I prefer to have it on while I sleep. They run on 9 volt batteries so depending on use, one battery could last weeks. The two zappers I have had are based on the same plans actually.
Georg Ritschl, the owner of Orgonise-Africa, has had great success helping many people afflicted with HIV and other diseases. He often gives zappers for free to various villages, institutions, and healing centers around Southern Africa. Even if you think orgonite is more than a little crazy, you won't believe the results you get from a zapper.
With all of this orgonite talk I forgot about an even cheaper zapper that you could get. tendollarzapper is where you can get a zapper without all the doo-dads. I don't think anything is exactly 10 bucks but it would be a good introduction to bio-electric therapy for those with little money. This came online only recently and I haven't tried anything of theirs because I already have a zapper. I imagine they work really well.
Don and Carol Croft and their site had a zapper business but also sold something else. Don is one of the better-known proponents of orgonite. Orgonite is claimed to heal both living things and the atmosphere. Orgonite is based on the work of Wilhelm Reich, a psychologist who believed he discovered an energy called orgone. His weather experiments brought rain to drought stricken areas. He claimed his orgone accumulator could help heal a host of ailments from depression to cancer. Eventually, his books were burned and he was put in jail because the FDA labeled him a quack. I was curious and ordered from a vendor connected with the Crofts and received my first orgonite. But that story is for another time...
It was exciting to know that bio-electric therapy could supposedly do so much. It was said it would get rid of viruses, parasites, and bacteria in your blood. I have been lucky in health throughout my life but at the time I had a plantars wart. It's a growth of the human papilloma virus (HPV) that happens to be on your foot or toes. It was large, nasty, and could not be gotten rid of. I had used salicylic acid, freezing, and surgery to remove it. It could not be treated and I was resigned to shave the top of it off when it started to hurt.
That summer I had my sister use her credit card to buy me a zapper from Orgonise-Africa, an orgonite and zapper vendor based in South Africa. It arrived and I tried it with glee. I strapped it to my foot and within a few days it was gone. Totally gone in not weeks or months but DAYS. This thing I had been living with for 4 years was gone! I was shocked and so happy. Later on, when I didn't use my zapper at all I had a terrible hacking cough. When it got really bad, I thought of my zapper. I put it on and most of the symptoms disappeared overnight. By the end of the next day I was almost fully recovered. The next year I got the same thing but had lost my zapper. I decided to get one from the Crofts this time. Again, it was all I needed to control it.
Now I wear it 2 to 3 times a week just to keep my blood clean and usually just wear it to bed. The models from Orgonise-Africa and the Crofts are very discreet as well. You could wear them while on your daily routines. My only warning about them is that unless you get a zapper with silver or gold contacts from Orgonise-Africa, you should stick it on the sole of your foot. The copper can burn you. The soles and your palms are a different kind of skin and will not be affected. I prefer to have it on while I sleep. They run on 9 volt batteries so depending on use, one battery could last weeks. The two zappers I have had are based on the same plans actually.
Georg Ritschl, the owner of Orgonise-Africa, has had great success helping many people afflicted with HIV and other diseases. He often gives zappers for free to various villages, institutions, and healing centers around Southern Africa. Even if you think orgonite is more than a little crazy, you won't believe the results you get from a zapper.
With all of this orgonite talk I forgot about an even cheaper zapper that you could get. tendollarzapper is where you can get a zapper without all the doo-dads. I don't think anything is exactly 10 bucks but it would be a good introduction to bio-electric therapy for those with little money. This came online only recently and I haven't tried anything of theirs because I already have a zapper. I imagine they work really well.
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
The Energy Non-Crisis
There is an oil crisis going on in the USA and elsewhere but we could be independent within a few months if we weren't being manipulated by a host of people who know the truth. Watch this fascinating video from a former oil insider about:
This will blow your mind
Energy Non-Crisis
- just how much oil is under the north slope of Alaska
- why this is being kept a secret
- who really gets the profits
- the true goal of this agenda
This will blow your mind
Energy Non-Crisis
Saturday, April 5, 2008
The Liver Cleanse
One of the first things that I found on my quest for alternative health knowledge was the liver cleanse or liver flush. As always, to the detriment of all other schoolwork I spent hours reading about it and looking at testimonials from both first timers and veterans. Apparently this method has been around for a long, long time.
The main goal of the flush is to get the stones that reside in your liver out of your body. In the flush, you use apple juice to soften the stones, use epsom salts to relax the bile ducts, and then you drink an olive oil concoction (classic coke or grapefruit juice and olive oil) in order to get the liver to dump all it's bile and take the stones with it.
It seemed a very promising if not disgusting process before I did it. It still is both great and disgusting. You really pee out your butt to get them out. From intestinal mucous to internal parasites to these gallbladder and liver stones, my thoughts are to get the stuff out of me. To me it is grosser knowing that the stuff is inside of me than the process of getting it out. I believe there are a few key health remedies that really pack a punch and work for almost everyone. Colon cleansing and the liver cleanse being the best.
As of now I have done 5 liver flushes, some more successful than others. This past time I got 3 dime size stones among about 150. They were jade green this time but the color may vary depending on the person. The color may also vary based on how many flushes you have done. The stones in your liver and gallbladder block bile flow and obstruct other processes in the liver so it can't work efficiently. You can get hundreds of stones per flush! The stones are a mix of calcium, cholesterol, dead parasites, and a mix of toxins. This flush makes your liver spit these things out like hotcakes on Sunday.
The liver is the heavy hitter of toxin management. It has a trick to neutralize almost any natural toxin and many man-made ones. The problem is that our other methods of detoxing aren't doing their thing while at the same time the world of chemicals has exploded in the past century and we are exposed to a lot of them everyday. Most of us don't exercise enough to move both lymph and bowels around, which are two important elimination channels. We don't sweat enough or breath deeply either. Those two also can be achieved by exercise. The problem is we don't have any way to clean the liver with exercise, so the flush does the trick. I don't get enough exercise, so when I do a liver cleanse the results are immediate and amazing. The liver also does a host of other jobs in addition to detoxification.
Some personal results:
When your liver works better wonderful things can happen to your health. So without further ado, I will direct you to some further information on the how-to's and specifics.
Cure Zone Liver Cleanse Page
Angel Healing Center Liver Cleanse
The Life Tree-Liver info and Cleanse
Wikipedia Liver Page
Read about it for awhile and ask a doctor about it if you have concerns of course. Honestly,
it's one of the best things I do for myself. And the best part: ITS CHEAP. Good luck if you try it.
The main goal of the flush is to get the stones that reside in your liver out of your body. In the flush, you use apple juice to soften the stones, use epsom salts to relax the bile ducts, and then you drink an olive oil concoction (classic coke or grapefruit juice and olive oil) in order to get the liver to dump all it's bile and take the stones with it.
It seemed a very promising if not disgusting process before I did it. It still is both great and disgusting. You really pee out your butt to get them out. From intestinal mucous to internal parasites to these gallbladder and liver stones, my thoughts are to get the stuff out of me. To me it is grosser knowing that the stuff is inside of me than the process of getting it out. I believe there are a few key health remedies that really pack a punch and work for almost everyone. Colon cleansing and the liver cleanse being the best.
As of now I have done 5 liver flushes, some more successful than others. This past time I got 3 dime size stones among about 150. They were jade green this time but the color may vary depending on the person. The color may also vary based on how many flushes you have done. The stones in your liver and gallbladder block bile flow and obstruct other processes in the liver so it can't work efficiently. You can get hundreds of stones per flush! The stones are a mix of calcium, cholesterol, dead parasites, and a mix of toxins. This flush makes your liver spit these things out like hotcakes on Sunday.
The liver is the heavy hitter of toxin management. It has a trick to neutralize almost any natural toxin and many man-made ones. The problem is that our other methods of detoxing aren't doing their thing while at the same time the world of chemicals has exploded in the past century and we are exposed to a lot of them everyday. Most of us don't exercise enough to move both lymph and bowels around, which are two important elimination channels. We don't sweat enough or breath deeply either. Those two also can be achieved by exercise. The problem is we don't have any way to clean the liver with exercise, so the flush does the trick. I don't get enough exercise, so when I do a liver cleanse the results are immediate and amazing. The liver also does a host of other jobs in addition to detoxification.
Some personal results:
- Softer hair and skin
- Sharper focus
- Better digestion
- Sinuses are cleared
- Senses are enhanced
- My mood is more cheery
- More energy
When your liver works better wonderful things can happen to your health. So without further ado, I will direct you to some further information on the how-to's and specifics.
Cure Zone Liver Cleanse Page
Angel Healing Center Liver Cleanse
The Life Tree-Liver info and Cleanse
Wikipedia Liver Page
Read about it for awhile and ask a doctor about it if you have concerns of course. Honestly,
it's one of the best things I do for myself. And the best part: ITS CHEAP. Good luck if you try it.
Sunday, March 16, 2008
Water Transformation - Part 2

After writing part 1 of water transformation I did further research and actually bought a product for testing. This was after undeniable evidence was brought to my attention regarding the hydration and oxygen levels of subjects in a clinical trial. These tests cost 40,000 dollars, and more money has been spent since trying to further validate what the inventors call the Quantum Age Stirwand. They have succeeded from both a scientific standpoint as well as in my personal experience.
Listening to David Schneider, one of the owners of the Stirwand technology, I gained new insights into what is important about water in your body. Using information from Nobel Prize winning work on cells, the owners discovered that water molecules have to travel single-file through narrow pathways into the cell, called aquaporins. If the water is somehow clustered or stuck together it will have a very poor chance of getting through these channels. Somehow David and the creator of the Stirwands, Exavier Phoenix, produced a mix of minerals that interacts with the water on a quantum level to get the water molecules to be less attached to one another. Quantum physics deals with the way atoms, molecules, and other small particles interact while physics as most know it to be is concerned with the larger objects like planets, stars, and galaxies (to put it very unscientifically).
It all sounds a little crazy and the wands themselves seem to border on the esoteric, but there is something really amazing at work with these unassuming Stirwands. In test subjects over a 30 day period, hydration increased by an average of 28.5% and blood oxygen levels were raised an average of 10.33% using purified water. This is a clinical trial we would all want to be a part of. More oxygenation and hydration are essential for our health. Many mainstream doctors and physicians are blown away by the results. If you want to hear what David Scheider has to say about the Stirwands, you can listen here
My experience in just a few days is pretty wild. I really couldn't afford it, but decided to get an 'Illuminator' Stirwand because of all the research that had gone into them. I first tried it on some peppermint tea. Taking a before and after taste, the water seemed different somehow and the flavor of the peppermint was enhanced. Not to be duped by my own expectations, I tried it again on some wine. Stirring the wand in the wine for just 20 seconds or so I noticed that I could taste the tannins in the wine a lot less, I mean barely noticeable. It turned a year old wine into something much older. I finally tried it on distilled water and it seemed thicker and smoother. A rush of energy also came over me, must be that oxygen. I even tried it on whiskey and it took the bite out the cheap stuff, well most of it (it is whiskey). It's just so fascinating because I don't really believe it works but then I prove it to myself again and again. After a few days I feel I have more energy and my mind is working a bit better.
Stirwands are guaranteed for 5 years, are made of surgical grade plastic, and one of the owners states that he has no reason not to believe that these won't last a lifetime. If thats not cheap I don't know what is. It will help any type of water, not just purified or distilled. It won't kill bacteria though or get rid of any chemicals in the water. If you know me ask for a demonstration, if not you should try one. Many of the distributors have money back guarantees of at least 45 days. So there you go, thats my #1 choice for water transformation. I will post some no-cost ideas in yet another post.
Picture and info is from Quantum Age Water
David Schneider lecture is from
Monday, February 25, 2008
Break it Already!
Sunday, February 24, 2008
San Diego Pictures
Monday, February 4, 2008
Water Transformation - Part 1
Roaming around the internet trying to find information on water quality is a little confusing. Should you just filter it by reverse-osmosis or distill it? maybe bottled water? And what about these products that spin the water and 'charge' it with energy? I will try and give you some background for all this and give my take on what to do with your water.
Water is such a miraculous substance. It comprises so much of this earth and our bodies it is undoubtedly worthy of study. Water used to be a lot cleaner than it used to be and mountain streams or natural springs were the main choice for fresh water. Then aquifers were tapped for consumption and irrigation which was very good. One problem was that we started irrigating our bodily waste. Like many human activities we flushed or drained our excrement out of sight and out of mind. The Asian people on the other hand used it for fertilizer, which has kept the same fields productive for 4000 years. When the fecal matter was causing epidemics around the world the modern waste treatment plant was devised. I found out this filtering process is unnecessary for most of our waste. Of course hazardous chemicals and particulates that find their way into the water should be filtered but many organic wastes can be composted and grey-water systems can be implemented, saving an immense amount of potable water. In another post I will write about composting this waste into useful and disease free fertilizer.
So what most of us have in our water is fluoride, chlorine, prescription drug residue, heavy metals, and other particulates that accumulate through the cities pipes. We definitely don't need fluoride and chlorine. Ozone and UV radiation treatment would more than take care of any bacteria or virus in the system without the need of chlorine. Fluoride is an industrial waste that is disposed of by marketing it to the municipalities and dentists. The first widespread use of fluoride was by the Nazi's and Communist's in the USSR (especially in their concentration camps). Everyone knows that they had the best intentions for everyone. Read this for more information about the risks of fluoride. Chlorine is also a chemical that has no place in the water supply. Chlorine Dangers
The people reading this I'm sure filter their water someway, but what's the best? The main thing I have found that the factors that matter are how pure the water is, how alkaline it is, and if the water is charged somehow. Purity comes first.
Distillation is the best method for this, the second best is reverse-osmosis, and a reliable spring water is the third. For me, distillation is cheap, easily repeatable and very adaptable. A Reverse-Osmosis filter system has to be replaced and they usually cost more in the long run. All I have to do is occasionally clean out the metal bucket of my distiller every few weeks. Combined with even the simplest of practices we can turn any clean water into something amazing.
End of Part 1
An interview with Dr. Emoto
Water is such a miraculous substance. It comprises so much of this earth and our bodies it is undoubtedly worthy of study. Water used to be a lot cleaner than it used to be and mountain streams or natural springs were the main choice for fresh water. Then aquifers were tapped for consumption and irrigation which was very good. One problem was that we started irrigating our bodily waste. Like many human activities we flushed or drained our excrement out of sight and out of mind. The Asian people on the other hand used it for fertilizer, which has kept the same fields productive for 4000 years. When the fecal matter was causing epidemics around the world the modern waste treatment plant was devised. I found out this filtering process is unnecessary for most of our waste. Of course hazardous chemicals and particulates that find their way into the water should be filtered but many organic wastes can be composted and grey-water systems can be implemented, saving an immense amount of potable water. In another post I will write about composting this waste into useful and disease free fertilizer.
So what most of us have in our water is fluoride, chlorine, prescription drug residue, heavy metals, and other particulates that accumulate through the cities pipes. We definitely don't need fluoride and chlorine. Ozone and UV radiation treatment would more than take care of any bacteria or virus in the system without the need of chlorine. Fluoride is an industrial waste that is disposed of by marketing it to the municipalities and dentists. The first widespread use of fluoride was by the Nazi's and Communist's in the USSR (especially in their concentration camps). Everyone knows that they had the best intentions for everyone. Read this for more information about the risks of fluoride. Chlorine is also a chemical that has no place in the water supply. Chlorine Dangers
The people reading this I'm sure filter their water someway, but what's the best? The main thing I have found that the factors that matter are how pure the water is, how alkaline it is, and if the water is charged somehow. Purity comes first.
Distillation is the best method for this, the second best is reverse-osmosis, and a reliable spring water is the third. For me, distillation is cheap, easily repeatable and very adaptable. A Reverse-Osmosis filter system has to be replaced and they usually cost more in the long run. All I have to do is occasionally clean out the metal bucket of my distiller every few weeks. Combined with even the simplest of practices we can turn any clean water into something amazing.
End of Part 1
An interview with Dr. Emoto
Friday, February 1, 2008
Mercury's hidden sources
While most of us have heard about not eating fish or breaking thermometers because of mercury toxicity, not many have heard of the dangers hidden from us by the medical establishment and media. There are three other dangerous sources that you may have voluntarily exposed yourself to. The three sources are:
So called "Silver" amalgam fillings have mercury in them. The mercury content in these fillings is up to 50%.[2] What the ADA won't tell you is that this mercury becomes a vapor when in contact with hot foods or beverages. Friction like brushing, chewing, or drilling will release even more mercury. See this for video of leakage [3] This is the largest source of mercury that is poisoning our population. Dentists have the most to lose from choosing to put these fillings in health wise. Money wise they profit. Personally, I have seen a difference in my personality before and after I had 7 fillings put in over the years. Symptoms include:
Vaccines come in at number two in the countdown of dangers because mercury is in quite a few of them. Lawsuits have forced mercury out of some vaccines. The pharmaceutical companies say there isn't that much in each vaccination but you have to think about it proportionally. A baby is small, and it's nervous system as well as everything else is growing. With so many vaccines loaded with formaldehyde, aluminum, and mercury, it becomes a burden rather than a blessing. Go here to find out more. Again, more links will be at the bottom of the post.
Finally, the least publicized source of mercury is from CFL lightbulbs. Compact fluorescents save money, but do they save the environment? Definitely not. These bulbs have mercury in them! Did you know that? This is how the EPA recommends clean up. What happens when this mercury is put in the land fill? If you can use them, not break them, and take them to a proper disposal center that is totally fine by me. But don't just throw it away, please. The quality of light is also not good for your eyes or mood. Save money by getting energy-efficient appliances and living in buildings like monolithic domes. Install skylights. Thats were you can really save.
Sorry to scare you and leave you with nothing to remedy this. You can detoxify mercury. Some detox methods include MSM supplementation, chelation, bentonite clay, sauna's, and the Master Cleanse. Working with many approaches at once is probably a good idea but you can't rush heavy metal detox. Consult a doctor that specializes in this please. If you decide you want to get your fillings out, there are dentists for that as well.
Honestly, I just opened up the box, there is soooo much more information about this topic. Remember that the FDA, AMA, and ADA are not what you think they are. Their leaders aim to protect the medical establishment and pharmaceutical companies, not you. Seriously look into that statement. This is not to say there aren't honest and sincere individuals in these organizations, it's just they don't make the policies and/or have serious academic blinders on.
Mercury affects people in very different ways and because of this it has been hard to make a case to the general public. Some people have a very high tolerance for it. After all, our bodies ability to cope with stuff is amazing and everyone has different strong points in that regard. Some people are not even affected by it for many years. However, the body is not very good at excreting mercury and over time an accumulation may be enough to harm you.
note: I really must work on my references and for that I sincerely apologize, I will work diligently to improve this in the future. Many of the links I provide have massive lists of medical as well as anecdotal references for your perusal.
Other Links:
Holistic Dental Network
Mercury Dangers by Stephanie Relfe
Vaccine Liberation
More Vaccine info
Bentonite, and Detox info
- "Silver" Amalgam fillings
- Vaccines
- Compact fluorescent light bulbs or CFL's
So called "Silver" amalgam fillings have mercury in them. The mercury content in these fillings is up to 50%.[2] What the ADA won't tell you is that this mercury becomes a vapor when in contact with hot foods or beverages. Friction like brushing, chewing, or drilling will release even more mercury. See this for video of leakage [3] This is the largest source of mercury that is poisoning our population. Dentists have the most to lose from choosing to put these fillings in health wise. Money wise they profit. Personally, I have seen a difference in my personality before and after I had 7 fillings put in over the years. Symptoms include:
- stuttering
- memory loss
- depression
- anxiety
- chronic fatigue
- constant low body temperature
Vaccines come in at number two in the countdown of dangers because mercury is in quite a few of them. Lawsuits have forced mercury out of some vaccines. The pharmaceutical companies say there isn't that much in each vaccination but you have to think about it proportionally. A baby is small, and it's nervous system as well as everything else is growing. With so many vaccines loaded with formaldehyde, aluminum, and mercury, it becomes a burden rather than a blessing. Go here to find out more. Again, more links will be at the bottom of the post.
Finally, the least publicized source of mercury is from CFL lightbulbs. Compact fluorescents save money, but do they save the environment? Definitely not. These bulbs have mercury in them! Did you know that? This is how the EPA recommends clean up. What happens when this mercury is put in the land fill? If you can use them, not break them, and take them to a proper disposal center that is totally fine by me. But don't just throw it away, please. The quality of light is also not good for your eyes or mood. Save money by getting energy-efficient appliances and living in buildings like monolithic domes. Install skylights. Thats were you can really save.
Sorry to scare you and leave you with nothing to remedy this. You can detoxify mercury. Some detox methods include MSM supplementation, chelation, bentonite clay, sauna's, and the Master Cleanse. Working with many approaches at once is probably a good idea but you can't rush heavy metal detox. Consult a doctor that specializes in this please. If you decide you want to get your fillings out, there are dentists for that as well.
Honestly, I just opened up the box, there is soooo much more information about this topic. Remember that the FDA, AMA, and ADA are not what you think they are. Their leaders aim to protect the medical establishment and pharmaceutical companies, not you. Seriously look into that statement. This is not to say there aren't honest and sincere individuals in these organizations, it's just they don't make the policies and/or have serious academic blinders on.
Mercury affects people in very different ways and because of this it has been hard to make a case to the general public. Some people have a very high tolerance for it. After all, our bodies ability to cope with stuff is amazing and everyone has different strong points in that regard. Some people are not even affected by it for many years. However, the body is not very good at excreting mercury and over time an accumulation may be enough to harm you.
note: I really must work on my references and for that I sincerely apologize, I will work diligently to improve this in the future. Many of the links I provide have massive lists of medical as well as anecdotal references for your perusal.
Other Links:
Holistic Dental Network
Mercury Dangers by Stephanie Relfe
Vaccine Liberation
More Vaccine info
Bentonite, and Detox info
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
Let us start with Monolithic Domes

For a growing number of people, parishes, and industries, a strange new shape has come into their lives. Sometimes it looks like a boob or two but most of the time it just looks awesome. Here is a good example. It's commonly called a Monolithic Dome(tm) but that's the trademarked name. It's really super cool name is "insulated thin-shell concrete structure."
What is really sweet about them Dan? Well...
- They are tornado proof
- They are fire proof
- They are hurricane proof
- They are pest and rot free
- They require no roof to re-shingle
- They sides are easy to clean
- They often save 50% or more on electricity each year
- They have high energy star ratings.
- They can often save on home insurance.
- They will last hundreds of years with proper care.
- They use far less material than conventional buildings.
How can you save a bundle by living in one? Its really simple. The whole dome is one continuous shell and acts as a thermal battery, soaking up the sun during the day and releasing the heat absorbed during the day at night. This regulates the temperature year round. Not to mention that no wind can penetrate a properly constructed dome.

The Airform or outermost covering is made in Texas and is made of the stuff used to make river rafts. This is inflated and insulation, rebar, concrete are sprayed on from the inside. Thats right, you don't have to worry about the outside weather. It just has to be hot enough for the concrete to keep mixing. All this sits on top a concrete base. There are other processes explained in detail at
It's totally customizable and scalable. You can have a 30 ft. dome or a dome for an entire school. Domes can be buried as well. For hot climates or storage you don't even need the insulation!
Look for Monolithic blogs here and there. My favorite is Peggy Atwood's site, she has a great slideshow accompanied by her own music. There are some really great architects that specialize in this on the web as well.
This is a totally awesome technology that needs to be utilized for our future. These would have survived Katrina, and survived the wild fires in Southern California. If these were square there would be no problem accepting them. The hardest part is when you want one the banks are all weird about it.
Stop being conventional everybody! Isn't the future supposed to be all domes?
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